Wednesday, December 16, 2009

"Llora llora cagon, llora llora cagon...

...llora concha tu madre que nunca vas a salir campeon."

Those are the rather inappropriate words to one of my favorite songs we got to sing in la trinchera norte (the section where all the sketch-ball uber intense fans of La U sit) last Sunday during the championship game.
Here's the website:
And guess what? La U won. we won! But you know what? Somebody said to me the other day (a Brazilian), said he didn't like Peruvian soccer that much because the play so crazy and disorganized. And after seeing this last game, I would really have to agree. I felt like they were just running around the field playing some sloppy sloppy soccer. But it was cool. And I had a lot of fun. And I learned in what contexts it's appropriate to use the insult "concha tu madre"
Speaking of which, I have another story.

This morning, I went to Miraflores to say goodbye to my friend Nina who is traveling and will be gone by the time I leave for Brazil. So, there she- tall and blonde and very fair skinned- and I-very gringa- were walking down the street to go and get some breakfast. And it was apparently a bad day in terms of unwanted Peruvian attention because, by the time we had walked to and almost back from breakfast, at least 4 guys and had made some type of stupid comment. Well, I was really tired (as in I hadny slept very much) and I says to Nina:
"The next guy that says something, I'm gonna walk up to him, and I'm gonna kill him, I swear to God."
Well Nina didn't believe me, but sure enough, 2 minutes later, one of the dudes in a combi a cobrador, says something like "wowwwww........." as we walked past. And, although I didn't kill him, I gave him the finger. And then when he was like, "Oh yeah, me gusta." And so I was like, "huevon!" which is another insult. and then when he kept on with his nonsense, I screamed at him "concha tu madre!" which is, as I said, a rather strong and offensive insult, and with that, everyone who was there on the street turned their heads and looked at me, and the combi drove away, and I continued walking in the other direction. And that was it.

Thankfully, I am in Sao Paulo right now. Brazil. And here, there are black people and white people and morenos and blonde people with dark brown eyes and dark haired people with light green eyes. Which means, I dont immediately look like a gringa. And therefore, I dont feel like a mutant while Im here. Which is one of the most wonderful feelings I have felt in a long time. And people dont pay attention to me at all... it is fabulous. And so is the sun here.

In a week, I will be going to the beach in the South for a week. to Florinapolis. I believe it will be magical. Even more magical than Sao Paulo.


  1. Hey Alyse, it's been fun living vicariously in Peru by reading about your adventures. Larry, Alex, and I have some good friends in Sao Paulo, and we hope to visit sometime when: 1)Alex gets his MD in sports medicine, 2) Larry wins the lottery, or 3) I get my third career, whichever comes first.

    I hope you are in Rio duing Carnival (the real deal for Mardi Gras). I have heard it's as wild as some of the other places you wrote about, so go with a local who knows the way. Be sure to blog plenty!

    I think 15 of the family will be in LG for an after Christmas dinner. It will be fun to see Alli again, since I haven't seen her in a long time. I hope you blog what you see as typical Christmas foods there. Larry, Alex, and I have tried some morsals brought here for us and also have heard about certain things. They have a good guarana soda in a green bottle/can and very strong coffee that is more what we would consider espresso. Our friends were polite and drank my coffee here, but later their son told me it seemed more like water to them.

    Glad to hear you experienced the soccer routine there. It's truly an international sport and has opened many doors for us with people from other countries.
    Aunt Anne

  2. Aunt Anne!
    im so glad you have been reading the blog and enjoying it...
    Sao Paulo is fabulous and I have already been enjoying all of the above suggestions. however I wont be here long enough for carnaval. but another time when I come back. which I will be.
    Im so sad Im going to be missing Christmas with everyone- the first one in a long that grandma and grandpa are back.
    When I get back to the country, we ll have a looooootttttt to talk about....
    Love you all!
