Saturday, January 9, 2010

Im in Bahia...!

Hey everyone.
I made it to Bahia late this afternoon. It was a fiasco, all because I was an idiot and forgot my passport. Here's how it went.

Friday at 7 30 am my flight was supposed to leave for Porto Seguro. Well, I left my passport at Mariahs dads and no one could bring me it. So I had to change my flight. In order to do that, it took me about a half an hour of conversing in Portuguese at 6 30 in the morning about what my options were.
The best and only option within my budget and time frame was change my ticket for the following day at 12 40 for approximately $1oo. Fine. whatever. So I did.
I went back to Mariahs dads. An hour and a half away- 2 bus rides and 3 metro stations away.

Saturday. Get to the airport. Wait in line for 2 hours. Get to the baggage check in at last call for my flight to board. The lady tells me my ticket wasnt changed to go all the way to Porto Seguro. Just to Salvador. Okkkkkk.....
So. Now I cant even get on that flight. However, they sent my bags to wherever bags go after the lady throws it on the conveyor belt.
So I go look to change my flight.
The only option is to pay $50 more. For something that is only half my fault- because I couldnt understand the conversation I was having the day before, apparently!- And leave the following day, Sunday at 8pm. I was n-o-t, not happy. god. I was pissed.
But also, could go put myself on the waiting list for a flight a 3pm to Porto Seguro. Fine.

So, I had to go find out if they had gotten back my baggage. Nope. They hadnt. It was sent off to Salvador. Were I would not be going. The people at the airline told me that they had already sent for my bags to go from Salvador to Porto Seguro.
Thankfully. At the last minute, I got on the flight to Porto Seguro, without baggage, but happy taht I wouldnt be waiting until the following night to arrive.

So, I got to Porto Seguro and of course the people dont have my bags. Which I expected. We are in South America. But Im fine. because its beautiful. Im happy, I found the people I was looking for and I have a place to stay. Also, since I had no luggage, I got to take a mototaxi to the ferry that took me across a river. A mototaxi here is a motorcycle that is a taxi. It made my day to ride on one of those.
Maybe my bag will get here tomorrow. I hope.

Anyways. I can kind of understand Portuguese now. Which is good. I like Brazil a lot. Maybe I will live here someday.

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