Sunday, July 4, 2010

"(Peruvian) life continues and it seems to be almost over" says happy gringa.

A few clarifications.
I did not like the bullfight. I thought it was ugly and really hard to watch. However, it was really interesting to be there.
When I fill out official documents, I do not mark that I am married. Which means I am not legally married. So, don't worry.

I have 23 short days left in the country, and I feel great about it. It has been a rather long year with complicated problems and lots of headaches and strange feelings and weird, uncomfortable encounters. and lots and lots of life lessons.
But it has also been a very very beautiful year, with new viewpoints, unexpected landscapes, and fresh air (not in Lima, obviously).
The other week I was discussing with my friend Annie that it has been so crazy being here for a variety of factors: 1. it is a whole different world here 2. city life is hard on the soul 3. we are young and have a lot to learn 4. the communication breakdown (on all different levels of human interaction- concrete and abstract) 5. Being rather alone and far away 6. being so obviously white
Learning how to deal with all of the above has been hard, but it has been absolutely, 100% worthwhile.

The nice thing is that I am starting to truly be able to look on the bright side of things- despite the ugly, gray cold weather, despite the loud traffic, despite the overwhelming poverty, despite the cold mistrust... You really can find peace and good vibes inside of this city. But really, you can find it inside of any city, any town, any remote in-the-middle-of-nowhere village. Because really, it's right there, inside of yourself.

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