Thursday, August 20, 2009

All who wander are probably lost

Every day here seems to show certain trends that I've become well acquainted with. These include:

- Frequent miscommunication and misunderstandings
- Me asking someone here a question and after their response, a confused shake of the head and a forlorn "gracias."
- After a long day of little physical exertion, feeling completely exhausted, and an unfortunately persistant, slightly annoying headache
- Scribbling nonsensical notes from the chapter books of various professors' lectures that I attempt to understand.

- Most noteably however, is something along the lines of what happened to me today: After Mariah and I went to buy our tickets to Huaraz (a town in the mountains) at a bus station, we decided we would try to take a combi (bus) to la Catolica (our school). We tried all four directions that cars were going. North, south, east, and west, and asked at least 5 people which bus to take, but could not figure it out to save our lives. Half an hour later, we took a taxi. Better luck next time, I guess.

The moral of the story is, when you want to be inconspicuous in Lima, you need to act like you know what you're doing and where you are; however, this is surprisingly difficult, when you have no idea.


  1. Huaraz looks BADASS!!! Debes usar su camera digital y las pongues fotas en su blog... (confusing enough?)

  2. The city of Huaraz will not be an enjoyable experience, but the surrounding areas will be. Be certain to go to Yanganuco. It's a turquoise lake at the top of some snow capped mountains. I'm sure you are already planning to go there, but thought I would just let ya know anyways. You should call my wife's cell, or our house and we would love to see you and give you some helpful tips about your stay here. Cell: 995139596 House: 349-6174.

    Bill Suechting
