Friday, August 28, 2009


Hey everyone. Guess what. I go to school with coasties. Peruvian coasties.
I've only been here a little more than two weeks but it seems that limeƱos tend to be a bit/rather elitest regarding their self-perception and relation to Peruvians of different ethnic/racial categories... education, money, class, background... and they are also from the coast. With every generalization, there are clearly thousands of exceptions, but I think this generalization has some pretty strong, supporting evidence.

For those of you aren't familiar, coasties are the girls that come from the east coast to go to school in Madison. Stereotypically speaking, they have money (from their fathers), go to the gym, wear North Face apparel, talk with a distinct coastie accent, and live in the expensive appartments on Gorham/University Ave.

In other news, I don't have class on Fridays and the sun is starting to occasionally show itself over two hour time spans.

One last thing I forgot to mention was Chuchuwasi. It's this fermented drink served hot like tea, made out of the roots of plants from the rainforest that is really strong. When you drink it, it's like getting drunk, but not in a depressant sort of way... it's like the opposite direction (in terms of a mental state).

1 comment:

  1. Damn, I'm glad there are coasties everywhere. Do they also have cottage cheese asses?
