Sunday, November 1, 2009

Some bad things about Peru....

...just to be fair.
I know I spent the last post hating on America, like I always do. But don't worry. There are plenty of times that I hate on this country too. For example...

- There is no potable drinking water anywhere. But there are plastic water bottles littering the streets and the mountains and the beaches everywhere.
- Politics here are corrupt as hell.
- Ketchup and Mustard here are gross
- Sometimes, it happens that everybody here takes sooooo long to make a decision or do something or go somewhere, and then all of a sudden, the people are like "Come on! Let's go! We have to hurry and get our act together... blah blah blah."
- Lima has the ugliest sky I have ever seen in my entire life.
- People are always trying to sell you stuff everywhere you go.
- I feel like, the more time I spend in this city, the more frigid my demeanor becomes and the less open my heart is... Which sucks! Because I was already pretty cold and mildly heartless to begin with.
- Everbody here is always trying to take advantage of everybody else.

Those were just some highlights.

The next post, I hope to share with all of you a happier tale of my weekend adventure to a tiny pueblo in the mountains that can only be reached on foot. It was beautiful and amazing and oftentimes surreal. Until then!